
astropy_helpers.version_helpers.generate_version_py(packagename=None, version=None, release=None, debug=None, uses_git=None, srcdir='.')

Generate a file in the package with version information, and update developer version strings.

This function should normally be called without any arguments. In this case the package name and version is read in from the setup.cfg file (from the name or package_name entry and the version entry in the [metadata] section).

If the version is a developer version (of the form, the version string will automatically be expanded to include a sequential number as a suffix (e.g. 3.2.dev13312), and the updated version string will be returned by this function.

Based on this updated version string, a file will be generated inside the package, containing the version string as well as more detailed information (for example the major, minor, and bugfix version numbers, a release flag indicating whether the current version is a stable or developer version, and so on.